Washington OER Hub

Washington's platform for sharing K-12 open educational resources - providing equitable
access to standards-aligned, high-quality instructional materials.

Join the Hub     Learn More


Featured Content

americans of chinese descentAmericans of Chinese Descent Month in Washington

To celebrate January being named Americans of Chinese Descent History Month in Washington, public schools are encouraged to designate time in January for appropriate activities in commemoration of the lives, history, achievements, and contributions of Chinese Americans and Americans of Chinese descent.

These posters feature five Americans of Chinese Descent who impacted Washington's history in positive and influential ways.
Download and share!

Washington-Americans of Chinese Descent Posters

Learning Collections

These collections provide a curated selection of Washington developed resources as well as links to external organizations providing quality online educational materials.
Click a link below to search by Content Area/Practice or Audience (Families, Youngest Learners, Students with Disabilities, Multilingual/English Learners, etc.)


These working groups contain resources created by OSPI in partnership with Washington educators,
OSPI grantees or collaborators, or Washington districts/schools (select a hyerlink below).


The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Open Educational Resources (OER) Project raises OER awareness and provides support for school districts adapting, developing, and implementing openly-licensed instructional materials.

Our Washington OER Hub is an online library of free, high-quality, K-12 OER created by and curated for Washington educators. All these materials are aligned with Washington State learning standards and may be downloaded, adapted, and shared to better serve all students.

New to the Washington OER Hub?

Visit the Washington OER Group for "getting started" resources including a Washington OER Hub User Guide. Join the Washington OER group to become a member of the Washington OER hub. You will receive periodic updates on Washington OER and have the ability to create a user profile that lets you review, save, and curate resources under the "My Items" menu

What’s here?

The collection of openly licensed educational resources on the Washington OER Hub include unit or robust lesson level supplemental instructional materials, lists of currently available full-course OER, educator guidance documents, and professional learning materials. Users can search for materials by content area, grade, or learning standard, or browse through curated learning collections organized by content area or target audience.

The Washington OER Hub regularly adds content and resources. OSPI also collaborates with our Washington Educational Service Districts, Washington state and national non-profit educational organizations, Washington state teachers, and other state agencies to generate standards-based resources.

Are materials vetted?

All resources in the OSPI curated Learning Collections are closely reviewed to ensure that they:

  • Explicitly address Washington Learning Standards, development guidelines, or benchmarks.

  • Include clear learning objectives and goals.
  • Display accurate and relevant content.
  • Support sound teaching practice.
  • Cultivate student interest and engagement.
  • Provide developmentally and culturally appropriate content.

Learning Collections

The Washington OER Hub contains free, high-quality, K-12 resources and materials for Washington educators in the following areas:

  • Arts
  • Career Technical Ed
  • Educational Technology
  • English Language Arts
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Integrated Subjects
  • Mathematics
  • Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • World Languages


PreK, Kindergarten, Elementary, Lower Primary, Upper Primary, Middle School, and High School


OSPI logo


Cover images adapted by Team Soapbox from work by @Pch.vector and imajin noasking