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(View Complete Item Description)Tips and guidelines to help you create resources that align with OpenStax titles
Material Type: Lesson
Tips and guidelines to help you create resources that align with OpenStax titles
Material Type: Lesson
Anatomy and Physiology is a dynamic textbook for the two-semester human anatomy and physiology course for life science and allied health majors. The book is organized by body system and covers standard scope and sequence requirements. Its lucid text, strategically constructed art, career features, and links to external learning tools address the critical teaching and learning challenges in the course. The web-based version of Anatomy and Physiology also features links to surgical videos, histology, and interactive diagrams.
Material Type: Textbook
These materials are designed to supplement a year-long three-course sequence that uses OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology (
Material Type: Activity/Lab, Homework/Assignment
These are PDFs of each chapter of the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology textbook. They can be posted to D2L for easy access for students.
Material Type: Textbook
This human anatomy laboratory manual acts as a textbook for undergraduate human anatomy courses. Each chapter has review questions and laboratory activities, and most chapters also have collaborative learning activities. There are 22 chapters total. The chapters are: Chapter 1: Introduction to Anatomy & Anatomical Terms Chapter 2: Introduction to Microscopes Chapter 3: Cell Structures & Types Chapter 4: How Cells Divide (Mitotic Cell Division) Chapter 5: Tissues Chapter 6: Integumentary System Chapter 7: Introduction to the Skeletal System Chapter 8: Axial Skeleton Chapter 9: Appendicular Skeleton Chapter 10: Articulations (Joints) & Movements Chapter 11: Introduction to Skeletal Muscles Chapter 12: The Skeletal Muscles Chapter 13: Introduction to the Nervous System Chapter 14: Central Nervous System Chapter 15: Peripheral Nervous System Chapter 16: Special Senses of the Nervous System Chapter 17: Cardiovascular System - The Heart Chapter 18: Cardiovascular System - The Blood Vessels Chapter 19: Respiratory System Chapter 20: Digestive System Chapter 21: Urinary System Chapter 22: Reproductive Systems
Material Type: Textbook
Biology is designed for multi-semester biology courses for science majors. It is grounded on an evolutionary basis and includes exciting features that highlight careers in the biological sciences and everyday applications of the concepts at hand. To meet the needs of today’s instructors and students, some content has been strategically condensed while maintaining the overall scope and coverage of traditional texts for this course. Instructors can customize the book, adapting it to the approach that works best in their classroom. Biology also includes an innovative art program that incorporates critical thinking and clicker questions to help students understand—and apply—key concepts.
Material Type: Full Course
Medical Terminology and Body Systems II prepares you to list major organs in each body system, describe their function, and identify and analyze pathologies related to each system. You will be able to discuss implications for disease and disability as it relates to each system, as well as issues related to treatment for each pathology and how it changes throughout the lifespan. This course has 4 Credit Units that will assist you in learning the course objectives. Course Outcomes: 1. Describe the normal function of the following body systems, identifying major organs as well as their anatomical location: a. Cardiovascular b. Respiratory c. Digestive d. Endocrine e. Eyes and Ears f. Urinary g. Male and Female Genital and Reproductive Systems h. Obstetrics 2. Identify major organs as well as their anatomical location in the following body systems: a. Cardiovascular b. Respiratory c. Digestive d. Endocrine e. Eyes and Ears f. Urinary g. Male and Female Genital and Reproductive Systems h. Obstetrics 3. Analyze treatment modalities and diagnostic measures for the following body systems: a. Cardiovascular b. Respiratory c. Digestive d. Endocrine e. Eyes and Ears f. Urinary g. Male and Female Genital and Reproductive Systems h. Obstetrics
Material Type: Full Course
Canvas Commons course shells for A&P sequence. BI 231: One of three courses within the human anatomy and physiology sequence that need not be taken in order. This course provides students with the opportunity to study the structure and function of the human body from a systematic perspective, while emphasizing homeostasis, organ system interaction, and complementarity of structure and function. Specific topics include: the integumentary, skeletal, cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. Laboratory sessions include dissecting animal specimens, conducting physiological experiments, examining case studies, using the compound microscope, and studying anatomical models. BI 232: One of three courses within the human anatomy and physiology sequence that need not be taken in order. This course provides students with the opportunity to study the structure and function of the human body from a systematic perspective, while emphasizing homeostasis, organ system interaction, and complementarity of structure and function. Specific topics include: the muscular and nervous systems, special senses, and the endocrine system. Laboratory sessions include dissecting animal specimens, conducting physiological experiments, examining case studies,using the compound microscope, and studying anatomical models. BI 233: One of three courses within the human anatomy and physiology sequence that need not be taken in order. This course provides students with the opportunity to study the structure and function of the human body from a systematic perspective, while emphasizing homeostasis, organ system interaction, and complementarity of structure and function. Specific topics include: the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Laboratory sessions include dissecting animal specimens, conducting physiological experiments, examining case studies, using the compound microscope, and studying anatomical models.
Material Type: Full Course
The Anatomy Quizbook is an interactive learning book that will help students and tutors – indeed anyone interested in anatomy – learn, test and improve their knowledge of the human body. Readers are presented with carefully selected questions and diagrams addressing core learning in clinically-relevant anatomy. This selective rather than exhaustive approach will especially suit time-poor scholars. Regular self-testing will also ensure a robust and strategic understanding of the subject matter. In this first Volume, you can develop your knowledge of fundamental anatomy, including clinically-relevant terminology and the significant parts and operation of the: - Thorax, focusing on the heart, lungs, and associated bones, muscles, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels. - Abdomen, exploring the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen and their supporting structures (muscles, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels). - Pelvis, examining the bones, ligaments, vessels and nerves of the pelvic region, the features of male and female pelves, and the major digestive and excretory organs (colon, rectum, bladder and urethra). Whilst developed primarily for students who are studying, or intend to study, medicine, the Anatomy Quizbook will reward all readers who seek to explore and learn about the workings of the human body. Regular users will find much to learn and build on, hopefully leading to further enthusiasm for a valuable subject that underpins much of medicine.
Material Type: Textbook
This resource is intended to be used as for guided note-taking by students as they read the text.
Material Type: Lecture Notes
This resource has been created for my students enrolled in my Fundamentals of Biology course at West Hills Community College in Lemoore, CA.
Material Type: Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Lecture Notes, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Textbook
Material Type: Module
By the end of this course the students should be able to: Identify the root of Community Health Nursing; identify supportive organizations; differentiate between Public Health Nurse and Community Health Nurse; explain Community Health Nursing; describe the qualities of the Community Health Nurse; describe the different types of community; differentiate between urban and rural communities and outline community profile; explain community entry; describe the preparations made before a community is entered; identify critical actions in community entry; list the advantages of community entry; explain community study; list at least four reasons for community study; explain the various types community study; give two explanation to each data collected; define a community need; identify types of needs; identify the process community needs assessment and list the uses of needs assessment.
Material Type: Assessment, Full Course, Homework/Assignment, Lecture Notes, Reading
Welcome to the CELLS alive BioCams. In these BioCams, you will get to learn about cancer and bacteria cells. However, these are a bit different from "livecams" you might find elsewhere on the web - these repeat at daily or shorter intervals in order to convey information on biological rhythms.
Material Type: Simulation
Students learn the principles of independent assortment and gene linkage in activities which analyze inheritance of multiple genes on the same or different chromosomes in hypothetical dragons. Students learn how these principles derive from the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis and fertilization.
Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan, Simulation
How many calories are in your favorite foods? How much exercise would you have to do to burn off these calories? What is the relationship between calories and weight? Explore these issues by choosing diet and exercise and keeping an eye on your weight.
Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive, Simulation
This activity begins with sections that help students to understand basic principles of genetics, including (1) how genotype influences phenotype via the effects of genes on protein structure and function and (2) how genes are transmitted from parents to offspring through the processes of meiosis and fertilization. Then, a coin flip activity models the probabilistic nature of inheritance and Punnett square predictions; this helps students understand why the characteristics of children in many real families deviate from Punnett square predictions. Additional concepts covered include polygenic inheritance, incomplete dominance, and how a new mutation can result in a genetic condition that was not inherited. This activity helps students meet the Next Generation Science Standards.
Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan, Simulation
By the end of this section, you will be able to:Define matter and elementsDescribe the interrelationship between protons, neutrons, and electronsCompare the ways in which electrons can be donated or shared between atomsExplain the ways in which naturally occurring elements combine to create molecules, cells, tissues, organ systems, and organisms
Material Type: Module