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OERColorado coordinates efforts to support Colorado educators, administrators, curriculum experts, and other educational stakeholders across K-12 to adopt Open Educational Resources (OER) materials, share ideas and create affordable, high quality learning resources.
OER is a term used to describe teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits repurposing by others. OERColorado supports access, collaboration, and training to promote the creation and use of free or low-cost OER teaching and learning resources in preK-12 classrooms throughout Colorado. These resources can be created and shared by institutional providers or locally by an individual teacher, a district or even You!
OERColorado is a Colorado Empowered Learning (CEL) initiative administered by the Colorado River Board of Cooperative Educational Services (CR BOCES) that provides digital collections of openly licensed resources for PK-12 educators. Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S. § 22-5-119), the CR BOCES was designated to administer the statewide supplemental and blended learning program and ensure public access to a digital repository of content and resources for Colorado educators.
Within this platform:
Note that not all resources in the OERColorado Collections align with Colorado state standards, state guidelines, or local guidelines. We advise all OERColorado users to consult with their district and/or school Curriculum Specialist if there are any questions or concerns about use of these resources.
OERColorado consists of two platforms. The current location (blue background) is a Hub linked to the larger global OER Commons Library. Any Coloradoan can become a member and search, save, share and create OER. The Hub can be accessed by private PK-12 schools and higher ed., home school practicioners and public/private partnerships. The Microsite is a stand alone OER Library hosting Colorado focused materials designed for Colorado public educators. Anyone can visit, but membership is limited to public educators with a valid email from a public education institution within Colorado.
We invite you to contribute to this education community by using these resources, providing feedback, or joining in creating resources for use throughout Colorado!
The Colorado Department of Education's financial support of OERColorado does not indicate endorsement of the resources
3 Resources
907 Resources
4 Resources
31 Resources
196 Resources
26 Resources
866 Resources
73 Resources